About SOLC
You may be wondering, what is this web site all about???
The Space Operations Learning Center (SOLC) is unique in its approach to teach school-aged students the basic concepts of space operations. SOLC uses the latest web and software technologies to present this educational content in a fun and engaging way for all grade levels. Our training modules use animations, streaming video, cartoon characters, audio narration, interactive games to deliver educational concepts. Our web portal organizes those training modules in an easily accessible way for visitors world-wide.
Currently, fourteen modules have been developed: Launch and Deployment, Space Communication, Flight Dynamics, Information Processing, Mission Operations, Spacecraft Disposal, Kids Zone 1-7, and Save the Forest NASA Mission. For the advanced modules, each contains three components: Flight Training, Flight License, and Fly it!. Kids Zones 1-7 include a number of educational videos and games designed specifically for grades K-6. Save the Forest NASA Mission is a space operations mission with four activities to play.
The Space Operations Learning Center is a joint effort between multiple organizations at NASA and its Goddard Space Flight Center:
The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program provides funding and resources for the SOLC effort. The Exploration & Space Communications Projects Division (Code 450) provides management oversight. The Computing Environments Collaborative Technologies Branch (Code 585) provides the management oversight of the overall design and development. The Goddard Education Office (Code 160) provided technical and consultation support in this development effort.
Education Standards
The National Education Standards that our content applies to are: NS.K-4.4, NS.K-4.5, NS.5-8.4 NS.5-8.5, NS.9-12.5
Outreach Events
In its approach to teach school-aged students the basic concepts of space operations, SOLC also supports several outreach events. The SOLC team visits local schools or Boys & Girls Clubs to promote the web portal as a way of including the learning modules in the organization’s curriculum. The team has also supported other local events including the Greenbelt Spring Maker Festival, Silver Spring KIDfest, and Explore@NASAGoddard. During these events, the team provides touchscreen monitors or mobile devices to demonstrate the interactive web portal.
If you are interested in checking the team’s availability to support an even or organization, please use the form on the contact page.
Basic Technical Requirements
- HTML5 compatible
- JavaScript enabled
- Pop-up windows enabled
- Cookies enabled
- Flash 8 or above
Note: on mobile devices some modules are disabled due to incompatibility with Flash